Do you know someone that would benefit from an education at C-SC? Let us know by completing this short form about the student.
Student First Name:
Student Last Name:
Student Preferred Name:
Student Street Address:
Student City:
Student State:
Student Zip Code:
Student Email Address:
Student Cell Number:
High school student is currently attending?
Graduation year of student:
Student is interested in (Select an Academic Major from the dropdown)?
If the student is interested in playing collegiate athletics, please indicate what sport:
If the student is interested in participating in a collegiate Fine Arts, please indicate their interest?
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Your Preferred Name:
Your Street Address:
Your City:
Your State:
Your Zip Code:
Your Email Address:
Your Phone Number:
Your relationship to student:
Are you an alum of Culver-Stockton College?
Submission Date